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"Due Diligence" Your responsibility?

Updated: Apr 19

In the world of Real Estate, We use the word "Due diligence" as the logical investigation or exercise of care that a home buyer is expected to take before signing on that dotted line to purchase a new home. Unfortunately, Buyers do not always take the logical approach as buying a new home is often an emotional venture.

We strongly suggest that buyers of Real Estate first do their own "Due diligence" without third party influences. Check out the surrounding neighborhoods.

Look at the condition of the road signage, traffic lights, school crossings, restaurants, shopping, grocery stores, schools and churches to get a feel for the community and area that you think will best fit your lifestyle and beliefs. If morning traffic is important, make your trip in the morning during rush hour and be sure to check out the school traffic and bus routes. Where does the school bus stop? What about after hours? Again, follow the school buses, afternoon traffic and congestion areas. Make your research trip during the week and again on the weekends. These are usually after thoughts but this time we encourage thinking ahead. Your next home could be your forever home.

If you want to employ the services of a Realtor after your initial "Due diligence", that is an excellent route to get confirmation of your findings.

If you already know which community that you have your eyes on, we encourage that you park at the community or model center and do a walk-a-about in the morning and in the evening just before the sun goes down. If approached by the on-site salesperson, be sure to say that you will be represented by a Realtor if you are interested.

Get a feel for the community that you want to call home. Are there a lot of For-sale or sold signs? Are the construction sites well labeled and are they clean and well managed? We suggest that you stop and talk to the neighbors about the construction process, and if they have any complaints about the homebuilder and any warranty issues. Be sure to ask if the home builder allows outside inspectors during the Pre-Drywall stage of construction and prior to closing. Check out the crime rate in the area. Check out the school ratings. Your Realtor can usually provide you with strategical data from the Orlando Board of Realtors and MLS. We do not encourage you to go into any home or on any homesite that is currently under construction without the approval and assistance of the builder or on-site sales agent. Hard Hats are always encouraged. Homesites can be dangerous.

Be safe and happy hurting!

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